COMING SOON: SketchUp Mastery Foundations – Part 1
Well I’ve hinted and I’ve teased but the time is almost here. If everything goes according to schedule my first online class for SketchUp will be available at the end of this month. So be sure that you’re signed up to receive all the latest updates. My goal is to release at least one new class at the end of each month.
Teaser Time…
This first class will be broken down into two parts to make things a little easier to take in. It’s all about building the foundation of knowledge you need to master 3D modeling in SketchUp. I’m sharing my tips, tricks, and processes I’ve developed over the past 14 years of using this amazing program. So whether you’re brand new to the software or you’re looking to brush up on your knowledge and even get a handle on all the newest features added, then this class is for you.
You’ll be able to build on this foundation of knowledge to go on and use SketchUp for whatever you want. Play around with simple models. Design your own furniture or lighting. Build basic models to get your design across. Or build more complex designs for interiors and whole homes.
Stay tuned for the class launch and free Introduction lesson. These upcoming classes will be hosted on the Skillshare platform. If you’re not currently a member of Skillshare then click here to get a FREE one month trial of premium access.