How to Make S.M.A.R.T. Goals
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to set some new goals. I’m not talking about “new year’s resolutions” that you’re going to think about just through the month of January and then ignore until December 31st. No, I mean real things that you want to accomplish this year.
Maybe it’s something as simple as planning a quick summer vacation. Or losing weight and getting in shape. Maybe you have some big project around the house that you’ve been putting off.
Now’s the time to make some S.M.A.R.T. goals for 2019.
But what does that really mean?
Let’s break it down…

S - Specific
When setting goals be specific about just what it is you really want to accomplish. The more detailed the better. Think about what needs to be done to make that goal happen. For example, don’t just say, “I want to lose weight this year.” Instead say something like, “My goal is to lose 15 pounds this year.”
M - Measurable
There needs to be some way to measure your progress towards your goal. Think of how you can track your progress. Maybe you make a chart, or keep a journal, or maybe just a checklist. The question is how will you measure whether you are successful in reaching your goal.
A - Actionable
Consider what actions you need to take to achieve your goals. What steps can you take? Make a list of what needs to be done to reach your goal. Then take action!
R - Realistic
You don’t want to set a goal that there’s no way to realistically accomplish. Don’t set yourself up to do something that in reality is too difficult. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t push yourself past your own comfort level to reach your dreams. Just maybe don’t have the goal of becoming the country’s leading brain surgeon by the end of the year if you haven’t started college yet. Your goal needs to make sense for you and your life.
T - Time-Bound
Give yourself a time-frame to work within. When do you want to reach your goal? Maybe it’s a goal for the month or for the year. Maybe you want to set a time-frame for different actions on your list to make it more manageable to reach your goals on time.
Take some time to think about your goals for 2019 and how you can be SMART about reaching them. I’d love to hear some of the ways you keep yourself on track. Feel free to comment below.
Maybe now’s the time to jump of the Happy Planner band wagon to help you organize and plan out your goals. Click HERE to check out some planner goodies in my SHOP.
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